Our Story

‘Our’ is purely for formality… I’m flying solo. My name is Aretha and I’m the CEO, marketing director, inventory handler, packager, photographer and so much more - all in one! Managing a business isn’t easy, but the thrill that comes with it is absolutely unmatched!

So, I founded Kinetic in 2020 at the tender little age of 14… I think it’s safe to say I had no clue what I was getting myself into. Now, don’t get me wrong, my business growth has been nothing short of beautiful - but still difficult nonetheless.

Picture this; a Covid-19 pandemic, I’m pacing up and down my living room - mind blown as I try to comprehend just how short life is, and how everything can change in a split second. You know that sudden feeling you get at 11pm at night to get yourself together? I felt that x100. I thought constantly about my future. What was I going to do? What was my passion?

I won’t bore you… to make a long story short, the typical careers just bored me out of my brain. I just felt like my purpose in life wasn’t to be a Lawyer, or a Doctor. But what had always fascinated me was building something of my own - and fashion, of course.

I've always struggled with my personal fashion - in a sense that trends didn't really work well with me, yet my own style was still undiscovered. I tried sewing in lock-down, and binge-watched DIY thrifting videos until my eyes turned square. Nothing really changed, and it wasn't until I developed my Jewellery collection that I began to express myself, come to terms with my identity and style in a way that made me feel confident. The confidence that I had been lacking for so long.

Now as you might remember, TikTok quite literally turned into a small business market place overnight. I didn’t even know you could create your own business! After a good 10 months of research and building, I delved into the world of business.

As you would already know by now, I’m an absolute jewellery fanatic! I’ve been obsessed with it since I knew of its existence. And what better than to sell my own? 

Balancing school, social and business life was the toughest thing I have experienced, and still am experiencing. I had been pushed to my breaking point multiple times, and maybe, for my own mental health I should have listened to the voice in my head telling me to take a break. I feared failure, and no matter what I considered to do in my future, it all came down to my business. I could not take a break no matter what. I still had to push forward and make a name for myself.

I always had an issue with other thinking, and comparing. Am I good enough? Why am I not progressing like other business I’m familiar with? Days with no order didn’t upset me because of money, but because I was distraught at the idea that despite my efforts, I still wasn’t been seen. I still wasn’t being appreciated. And oftentimes I would sit down and blame myself because I couldn’t blame the ‘TikTok Algorithm’ forever.

So, this resulted in a vicious cycle - happy and elated and consistent with my content, then feeling disappointment and ‘waste’ when my efforts weren’t being reflected, then experiencing immense guilt because there are people who have stuck around with me for ages, but still feeling like giving up on my passion altogether because after 3 years I’m no where near where I should be. This was a never ending cycle, and it quite literally pushed me to my breaking point.

Throughout the past 4 years, I’ve gained immense amounts of support that I could never repay. I have picked up skills and comprehended things which my 14 year old self would be so proud of me for. 

Viewing my growth on social media platforms brings me nothing but absolutely joy. Receiving love from you all brings me nothing but absolute joy. I feel accomplished, and it feels AMAZING to be receiving the same energy I radiate. So I stopped, and I thought long and hard. This IS my passion, I DO have an amazing support system, my efforts WILL be appreciated. That day I promised to be consistent no matter what, and to not let my overthinking get the better of me - get the better of my future. Everything happens for a reason - I needed to experience these mental challenges in order to develop myself.

So… that’s our story. So far. I don’t want you to view it as a sob story, but more of a motivational one. They’ll inevitably be ups and downs, but I am beyond proud of myself that I always embrace the ups. My combined love and passion for business and jewellery means I can provide people with unique and affordable jewellery. It means I can help girls to feel confident in their own skin - because I know how it feels to lack all confidence. Every single girl deserve to feel nothing but comfort and class. We’re queens, so we deserve nothing less.